Date(s) - 21/03/2020
7:00 pm
Upper Hall
Categories No Categories
Notice: March 16, 2020: This event has been postponed – “Keep Your Tickets”
Hi Everybody,
I’m happy to say you will be able to pick up your tickets to our St. Patrick’s Day event starting Saturday evening at the bar. Why not come in for the Meat Draw and Karaoke, have a great time, take part in the pot luck, maybe win a raffle prize and grab your Early Bird tickets at the same time?!
I’m excited to tell you that we have The 45s back by popular demand to entertain you! We’re having the dinner catered so this year you’ll have the option of having beef or lamb stew. Please tell the bar steward to indicate your choice when you buy your tickets so we know how much of each to order. Please remember that all are welcome so invite your family and friends to join you!
When: Saturday March 21st – cocktails and appetizers from 6pm followed by dinner and dancing the night away yet again! Turns out some of you members are so energetic that I’m fighting to keep up with you! Emoji
Early Bird tickets on sale from the evening of Feb. 22 for $20 for members and $25 for non-members then it goes up $5 after the 14th of March. Get them quick, I’m hearing rumours of large groups wanting to come to this so don’t miss out on your discounted tickets while they last!
Hope to see everyone tomorrow and enjoy another great party with you all next month!
Thanks so much,